
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Fun James Christensen Find - In God We Trust

I have a son-in-law who really appreciates the artist James Christensen. I found two large posters a few years back and he was really excited about them and they now hang in his home. 

I have been able to find a few other pieces of art from him in the form of figurines etc. Today, I was able to find a cute little Christmas tree ornament at a thrift store still in the box wrapped in bubble wrap.

When I tried to open the sealed box, there was a quarter that had slipped down into the box!  I chuckled as I normally don't look at Christmas decorations, but feel like God has been sending so many reminders recently to trust in HIM. Here is a link to my first post about finding money and trusting in God. If you search in the search box for "In God We Trust" up will come many posts how I have found coins just when I needed a reminder to trust in Him.

So, I found that quarter today. I found five pennies yesterday in a jacket I was checking the pockets on. I have found at least one coin a week for a month or so. 

I was going through clothes in my closet to get rid of and while pulling them out and holding them up last week, a dime fell out of something. 

It really has been happening so much and I really don't post about it much anymore. I figured it was time for a post about it. 

I feel blessed to have that constant reminder to trust in HIM. 

Have a blessed day!

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