
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Some Days You Give and Others You Take

Yesterday, I shared about a situation where a friend helped me see some things within myself and I posted about what I learned about myself. 

Last night, I had a friend texting me late into the night. I got my blog written, climbed into bed and couldn't get to sleep as I am taking a new thyroid medication and I think it is messing with my sleep schedule as the thyroid regulates the sleep hormones. 

I was just about asleep, and about 6 a.m. this friend started texting me and asked if they could call at 6:30. We talked for over 2 hours and I thought they were in a good place after having a rough night. 

I got a call from another friend immediately after that whose mother had a heart attack today and we visited for about 40 minutes. I had texts before I got off the phone with her and replied to the texts from the first friend who wasn't in a good place and was struggling with some choices in life that are hard. 

I then had several texts and chats about things I am selling and I am helping my elderly neighbor clean out her yard and shed since her husband died, and had to work out a man coming to buy 100 pieces of wood she is selling, but I had to make sure she is going to be home when the man can come to pick them all up. 

I finished replying to all the people about items for sale and fell asleep for about an hour before the texts started again from my first friend. I was having a song running through my mind called, "It Is Well With My Soul." I sent a link to a version on YouTube I thought he may like. Here is a link to the version I sent him!

We texted back and forth and I was so sad that they are in a tough position and with a big heart, it makes the choice all that harder to make. I have been working on trying not to give advice on situations unless a person asks for my advice, or I ask if they would like some advice. I am constantly catching myself starting to give advice and I have to stop and ask the person if they would like my advice or suggestions.

I did it so much today that this person started to ask the question to me when I stopped myself from giving advice. I laughed because I really am trying to be better. Each of my kids know I have been working on this for a year, so you would think I would be better at it by now, but I am still struggling to remember to start that way. 

I had someone come to my door and it was a window salesman and then I went to eat dinner but got another call from this friend for almost an hour and we visited and I think things went better on the second call in some ways but more information was shared on the first call. 

I love that they felt they could call me and share with me. I appreciate that some days I am the one in need, and other days, I am the one that can give. Friends are so wonderful to be there when I need someone, and I am glad that I could be there when a friend needed someone. 

I have been fasting since Sunday night for a medical test yesterday, but chose to keep fasting for the poor Ukraine people suffering so much. My church suggests fasting once a month and giving the money saved from not eating the food to purchase things for the poor. Or, you fast for a purpose, like to help those that are sick, or for an answer to some situation you are dealing with in your life. While praying for this friend today, the fast makes prayers more intense and I do believe that God heard and answered the prayers for this person!

I am really tired tonight and need to finish a few things needing attention. I will be happy to get to bed. However, I fell asleep in the chair and woke stiff and felt like a bobble head. ha ha. I woke an hour or so later and was able to upload the photos and finish posting this! 

I feel blessed to have friends that will sacrifice their time for me, and I am glad at times, I can sacrifice for them! I love my friends and wish that they all could have easy lives, but as we all know, God gives us trails to help us grow. I know this friend is strong and God will bless them in their trial! 

I hope you are as blessed with good friends as I have been! Have a Blessed day!

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