
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Finding Fun Books With Multicultural Messages

Many Years ago, I was visiting a church in a city quite far from my own and remember a man speaking. I can't tell you another person that spoke in all the times I visited that church over the years. I went almost weekly in the summers for years while my kids were visiting cousins on the weekends. 

I only spoke to the man two or three times over that time as I ran into him at a dance once and danced with him there. We never had any deep conversation and I had no idea what he did. A few years back, out of the blue, I felt like I should contact him and tell him about a product that I have that makes yogurt easily and for some reason he needed the information. It turns out it did help him. Here is a link to that product.

I knew someone who would probably know how to get a hold of him, so I contacted that friend who attended that church regularly. She was able to give me his number. I contacted him and told him about the product. He tried it and when I contacted him a few months later to see how it was working for him, he told me that it was helping him. 

I then didn't speak to him for years. I felt to contact him again for another reason, and in the end, I spoke with him for a few hours about health things. 

Then, a long time without speaking to him. Obviously, we aren't friends, but every so often, I have just felt like I should share something with him, and contact him. 

In taking my new thyroid medication, I was having some reactions, and one was insomnia. For three nights, I was only able to sleep for a few hours. While laying there exhausted and not being able to sleep, I accidentally clicked on his contact information and somehow all this time, I had missed a link to his company. He works for a publisher. I guess he sells books and many of them are multicultural. 

I started looking through the books offered, and there were several from an author who write books about immigrants. One of the books was very close to my ancestry with family crossing the ocean on boats and settling new communities. Both sides of my children's parents had people crossing on boats to America!

I contacted the author and asked about ordering some of the books for my grandchildren and their was a book called "grow" and I thought it would be a good book for Grand-Princess One as she was telling me recently how excited she is that her mom is going to allow her to have her own garden. 

She is so excited about planting a garden, that she drew a picture of how she wanted to lay it out and they have already purchased the seeds for her garden. 

The kids are going to visit me on their way to meetings, so I was hoping the books would arrive before they passed through. I was SO happy and excited to get the books before the kids arrive. 

It was so nice of the author, and my friend, to get my order done quickly and send them to me. I think my grandchildren are going to LOVE them! And, they are personalized as well! 

I am excited to read the books to the kids! I am feeling very blessed!  

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