
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cute Baby Clearance at Walmart - 111 and In God We Trust

I was looking for an epoxy product at Walmart today and walked around in areas I don't always go through, and happened to find some fun clearance items. 

They had baby clothes on clearance for a dollar each. There was a three pack of onesies for $1. A bunch of pants for $1 each, and headbands for $1 each. They only had one of the onesie 3 packs which was sad, but it was so fun to get several matches of outfits for $4! 

I was at the self checkout when the lady next to me dropped change and I mentioned she dropped a quarter as well and she said she didn't care.You know how I don't like leaving money on the ground as it has God's name on it. I picked up a quarter and two pennies and then when I was walking out of the store, I found another penny.

I also wanted to share that I have been seeing 111 all over the past few days! It is on mail, packages I am mailing out, and when I picked up the girls taxes I am helping to get done, there was a 1111 on the envelope. The girls are all getting refunds, so that is also a positive! 

I am feeling very blessed lately. 

Have a blessed day!

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