
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bread Of Life Activity - Giving Away Homemade Bread

Our local church had an activity tonight. We were able to get people to sign up to make loaves of bread. White, wheat, fruit, nut, or any type of bread they are comfortable making. 

People identified homes that they thought could use a visit, and compiled a lists for us to visit. They had the young women in our congregation tie on little messages from the scriptures about Christ being the "Bread of Life" and inviting them to a few different activities we will be having in the near future.

They put each persons address on a slip of paper and had each member get into teams of two and take and deliver them to people that they may know or want to get to know. 

I went with a friend to a lady I met living a few blocks away when I was delivering food for the food bank. She lives close to the friend I went with, so we had a good visit and I talked about having this woman help me with a craft project I want to make. 

The second lady we visited moved in during Covid and was interested in helping with the new service group I am working with called "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" or SHP making beds for those who don't have one in our community. See a post about that here. She is also a single mom whose kids are grown and has grandchildren. 

We talked about going to dinner sometimes and I will invite her to help with the next bed build we do. 

We had the wrong address on one house and then looked it up online and it was the wrong address online as well. After visiting with a few different people, we figured out where we were headed and it was someone that moved into my friends home after she moved. I stopped on the way home and they didn't answer so I will stop over tomorrow. 

The other house we tried, the woman had moved out and out of our area, so I took it to my neighbor who is a bit of a hermit. When I dropped it off, I guess she was gone and had someone watching her kids. I was able to leave them with a loaf and message. 

I thought it was a fun activity and way to reach out to all the neighbors who have moved in during Covid that we haven't gotten to know. So many of my friends have moved or are moving soon. I could use some new friends! I was glad to have the opportunity to meet some! 

Have a blessed day!

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