
Friday, January 14, 2022

One Good Apple Saves Us All

I posted two days ago about how one bad person can change the entire circle around them. I called it "One Bad Apple" and here is a link to that post.

I was at a thrift store in town today. Not the one I mention in the above referenced post, but the other in town. Both thrift stores are "christian" book stores. As I was doing my shopping looking for anything I can sell to help my income, I overheard the main man that works there testifying about Christ. 

He is a Born Again Christian and was sharing how "faith" works and that you just have to TRUST that God will be there when needed. 

The other man just kept asking "How do you know? How do you trust?" and the other man just kept sharing his own experience how he knows God is there and Christ is his savior. 

When I went to check out I asked if I could share with them a few stories from my life that have built up my faith. I shared with them my situation when I was lost in a foreign city and right after a prayer, I had someone I knew from the smaller town where I was living as an exchange student happened to be in the big city on the exact street I was when I had no place to sleep or any way to get home. Here is a link to that story. 

I shared how when I needed a new video camera and had no funds to buy one, I prayed and gave the situation to God and I had miraculous events transpire which gave me $20,000 in Panasonic Equipment. Here is a link to that post.   

I shared a few more things before leaving and on the way home thought about my post sharing how one bad apple can spoil the bunch, and how one good apple can save us all as Christ through his atonement does save us all. I loved that this humble worker in a thrift store in a small town KNOWS his Savior and had faith enough to share it with a "lost soul" as Christ is the living water and can give relief to those who are lost. 

I rejoiced in my drive home knowing that even though there are "Bad Apples" around, there are just as many "Good Apples" as well. 

Have a blessed day!

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