
Monday, January 17, 2022

Covid Once Again - I Hope Not

I woke on Saturday to find a text from the state health department and a voicemail from my friend Emma. 

I sat next to Emma at church last Sunday and I guess Monday morning, she got really sick. She works at the hospital and got tested immediately for Covid and was surprised that she didn't get notified until Friday evening that it was positive. 

The health department asked her who she was close to 24 hours before coming down with the major symptoms and she said my name as we sat very close as the folding chairs were touching and I am big woman, so our legs were near touching before she got up and left halfway through the meeting. 

The health department got my number and texted me a link to fill out a questionnaire and she was told to contact me to watch for symptoms in the next few days. Her voicemail she left was a bit jumbled in the transcription as she is from south America and has a thick accent, so listening to the voicemail made it more clear than the transcriptions. 

She told me she had Covid last year, and then had three doses of vacinations for COVID as she works at the hospital and then came down with it this past week for the second time. 

She said all the symptoms this time were the same as last time other than she had nausea this time. She didn't have as much loss of taste or smell this time. She said she didn't understand how after three doses of vaccines she could still get it to the point of being so sick. Her third dose was last month. 

I had some phlegm in the throat Thursday night and Friday and, Friday and Saturday I had pains in my toes like pin pricks and thought maybe it was the parasites, but then I remember last time I got COVID, I had those types of pains in my toes. It could just be parasites, but just in case, I decided to skip church as I didn't think singing towards everyone while leading the music would be a good choice. 

I also had swollen lymph's in my left side on Friday as well. I was also VERY tire this week and spent several days in bed sleeping much of the day. I hope I don't come down with anything.

Wearing a triple thick mask I went to the store Saturday. On my way, I dropped off some homemade chicken soup and a few cans of soup at my friend Emma's house that has COVID. I wanted to make sure she had something homemade to make her feel better as she had no family at home. 

I bought toilet paper, paper towels, more canned soup, and a few chickens to make more chicken broth just in case I do come down with it. 

I am a bit worried as my lungs are so damaged and I worry another bout with COVID can really do some damage, and as I was getting ready to post this blog, I laughed and felt at peace as I made $1.11 on my blog yesterday and seeing the 111, just made me realized I need to trust God as all things are in HIS hands. 

Lets hope I don't come down with it but when checking out of the store on Saturday night, There were lines in the store I haven't seen since the first Covid close-down. IT was so packed that the self checkout line was back into the produce section and I took pictures as there were people in line at all the open registers. I then thought perhaps everyone realizes how bad it is. Princess Five told me several people at her work have it, and several people at church and school had it.

Prince number 2 had it over New Years Eve, and I called my neighbor to lead the music for me at church and she said her husband just tested positive and she wasn't going to attend church either just in case, so that explains the lines at the grocery store as so many people are coming down with it. 

Have a blessed day!

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