
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Nerf Target Range In Home - Fun With Grandchildren

My kids were all coming for the first time in six years for Christmas this year. For about a year, I have been buying up used Nerf guns at thrift stores trying to buy all the same types of guns so we could have an all out Nerf battle over Christmas. 

While I was buying those guns so we could all have the same type to make the game even, I looked for "Bullets" and realized that there are different types of bullets and some are suction, others are hard tipped to go farther, and others are softer tip so they don't hurt as they hit as much. 

When I realized they have suction tipped bullets, I thought it may be fun to put up a target in the house for practice for the kids so they can learn "gun" safety and not shoot themselves in the eye. I kept my eye out for a smooth target that would allow the suction tipped ones to stick.

I was feeling lucky when I was able to find a brand new two sided target that hangs over the door still in the box with darts! 

I set it up in the hallway at my house and we were able to practice shoot so they could know how to aim and get used to pulling back the air pressure draw in order to get it ready to shoot. I had taken up some small targets to their home the month before with smaller suction spring actions plastic shooters. 
I taught them gun safety and how to stand, hold them, and how to load them without looking at them as for some reason, that is always something they want to do. 

I set up the target and my 5 year old grandson LOVED it! When I asked him to explain to me how to shoot, I was happy that he has been able to retain the training given him and I think having that training can only help them with gun safety when they get older. 

I am going to post two videos about this. One of my grandson shooting at the target, and then my daughter was video taping me shooting without me knowing. 

I had fun spending time with the grandchildren doing this and it is nice as we can put it up and take it down quickly. It was something that they would come back to over and over making it fun for a few days. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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