
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

I'm Sure It Is Covid

I woke up in the night with dreams of swimming under water. When I woke, my chest was tight and I couldn't get back to sleep since my tongue feels like I burnt off all the taste buds on hot chocolate or pizza. 

I have had sharp pinpoint pains all over my body now instead of just my toes now. My head feels congested and a bit like I am underwater. 

I remember that my lungs and chest were "hot" when I had covid last time, and drinking iced drinks make my chest feel so much better. I have been drinking them all day. I think I am starting with the fever as I have been super cold an have been sitting in a heated blanket all afternoon. I fell asleep in the chair and just felt heavy headed.

I also have had swollen glands for the past two days. I hope I don't get it as bad as last time. 

I had to cancel my long awaited Dr. apt for tomorrow as I didn't want to contaminate the entire office. I don't remember how many days I had the burnt tongue feeling before the really bad days happened, but I know that the symptoms are showing up exactly as they did last time for me. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Hello. Thank you for this wonderful informative website. Did you get the vax? We have seen many vaxed ppl come into the hospital who were double vaxed and even had the booster. Sorry you missed your

    1. Hi Ann,
      Thank you for your kind words. Yes, most people I know that have had the vaccine have also gotten Covid. Why force the vaccine if it doesn't work? Some people are getting really wealthy off things that don't work.
      Have a blessed day!
