
Monday, December 20, 2021

Thanking Those Who Serve You - Garbage and Delivery Workers

I have lots of garbage cans and I fill them up every week during the fall when I prune my trees. Because I have so many trees and they are so difficult to dispose of since I don't have a trailer, I have to put branches and leaves in every can and I do trees every week for months in the fall.

The garbage men hate dumping my cans and I can't blame them. I make bundles sometimes, but they are still hard to lift into the truck. 

Several years ago, I started writing "Thank You" notes on big folded papers on top of the biggest can with a bag of treats for them. They really seem to appreciate that. 

We cut down some trees over Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving day, I wanted to thank the workers as they come really early in the morning. I watched for them as all my cans were full and I had some huge trunk pieces and some bundles. I ran out when they came and I gave them all a treat and they thanked me for cutting up all the longer branches in the cans. I could tell they appreciated the treats I gave them as well.

This past week, I was dropping off a treat to a friend who helped us get the new phone for Princess Five and on her porch was a table with a fun container telling the delivery people to grab a treat. I wondered how the treats don't freeze. They had cans of soda in there and when I told them that was such a cute idea, they said that the Diet Coke always gets picked first! I thought that was funny. 

I shared I may steal that idea and then shared that I gave the garbage men treats and she liked that. I told her I ran out to get them early on Thanksgiving and she told me she talked to someone in the family that owns the disposal company and she said it was a family tradition that everyone takes their family, kids, parents, cousins, everyone to work on Thanksgiving and the go early, dump all the containers in town and then have a huge breakfast together. I thought that was a fun thing. 

Anyway, remember those service workers over the holidays! Have a blessed day!

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