
Friday, December 17, 2021

A Christmas Miracle - A New Phone For Princess Five

About a month ago, Princess Five told me that he phone isn't holding a charge and that she has to plug in to talk to anyone on her phone and leave it plugged in so that it can get texts as the battery lasts about 10 minutes. 

I told her I would look into finding her a new phone. Several of my last pones came from the carrier when someone was upgrading, I would offer them more than the company would pay them for a trade in. 

I went to Verizon and they had a iPhone 12 for $700, but I didn't have that kind of money to put towards a phone, so I checked thrift stores. I have found many of our phones at thrift stores and since Covid, or local stores haven't had much electronics or jewelry. 

I posted it on my social media that I was looking to buy an older iPhone as what she was using is the older SE. She likes the smaller iPod type phones as they fit into her pocket better. I have had a dear friend send us one of their old phones years ago for Christmas for her. Here is a post about that. 

I left the post up for about a week or two and didn't hear anything back so I deleted it and started looking on the local yard sale sites.  

I ran into a family friend who was volunteering at a thrift store in town. He told me that his daughter who is a dear friend of mine, told him Princess Four was looking for a new phone. I told him that I was looking for a phone for her and he told me he had one he wasn't sure was working but he would look and see. He said it disappeared a year ago and just showed up on his bedside table a few weeks ago and they have no idea how it got there. 

He said he just found it on his end table plugged in and they don't know how it got there. They had obviously purchased a new phone and when he tried to open the phone he couldn't remember the password and spent hours trying to remember or figure out what the password was. "

He then tried to just do a factory reset of the phone and it froze in the middle so he then went to the provider and asked if they could do a reset and they told him he would just need to try again. He went to a different store after that and his cell phone rang and he pulled out the old phone by accident and he suddenly remembered the password to the old phone! 

He opened the old phone and was able to reset it for Princess Five and they wrote her a little card and gave me the phone and a charger in a cute gift bag! 

I took it to get a new case and glass screen protector for it but had no idea what model it was as it had no writing on the back. I didn't want to set up the phone as Princess Five was going to put her SIM car in it and set it up that way so I had no idea the model or how much memory it had! I went to the local Walmart phone store but the workers had left for the night. I didn't want to get the wrong case so I was going to wait and I just happened to run into my nieces as I was headed out of the store and they told me it was an iPhone 8 as it had a glass back. Who knew? 

I then was able to find a cute case on sale and get a glass cover and put it on, charged up the phone, and had it ready when we went on our road trip and I would be seeing her. 

She didn't want to try and set it up on the road, so once she was home this week, she was able to get it set up. She was SO excited! I had her send me some pictures so I could send a "thank you" text to the couple as I had already dropped off a treat to them and they asked how she liked the phone. 

I dropped a thank you treat off tonight to my friend that told her parents about us needing a phone and we discussed how much of a miracle it was for the phone to just show up on the bedside, her dad to be able to remember the password, for them to mention to her that they found the phone and weren't sure what to do with it, and for them to get it to me and me to get it to her. It is a newer phone than mine and yet is a smaller version which is what she wanted. 

Once again, I feel so blessed that I have dear friends who would give me a phone that is currently selling for $150 to $200 online. I offered to buy the phone but they said they loved my daughter and wanted to give it to her. I wonder sometimes why I am so blessed when so many others struggle so much! 

I love when my friend and I were talking and she called the whole phone situation a Christmas Miracle when we discussed how many things had to work out to get her that phone that no one was using and was lost. 

I do believe it was a Christmas Miracle thanks to several angels in our lives! 

Have a blessed day!

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