
Thursday, December 23, 2021

Bit of a Rook Coincidence - Fun Story

I am working on a project for the girls for Christmas. This project needs a printer / office supply store. 

I called many places in our small town and the city trying to find a place that could do what I wanted and finally ended up just going down to a printing place in our town that I haven't used in many years. 

When I walked in, I recognized the owner. It wasn't the same owner that it used to be. It turned out that it was a son of a family we knew well, but only after the kids had left home! 

The father used to be a bishop in our congregation and the wife was the music conductor before me. The wife used to give the kids in the area that may not have much money simple jobs around her house so that they would have money for Christmas or camps they had for school. 

My girls went over several times helping her clean out closets and her pantry so they could get money to buy gifts at Christmas or have money for snacks at drill competitions. 

I was always so grateful for her kindness thinking about kids with parents on a limited budget. She was so sweet doing that as I know she helped several other families the same way. 

They have both passed away and we miss them. I was shopping at a thrift store in town and ran across some rook cards. Our family plays a game called "nertz" using Rook cards, so I always buy them when I find them because in that game, you can have as many people playing as decks of cards you have! 

On the rook cards were photos of a family. On the back of the cards was the family name. In our town there are lots of families with the same names, so I pulled out the cards and started looking at the photos on the deck and it was our family friends photos! 

Since the parents have both died, I figured that maybe when they were cleaning out the estate it got donated by mistake. I bought it hoping I could find one of the family members and give it back to them. 

When I saw the son at the printing place, I was able to tell him I had the cards and he was interested in getting them back. I guess they purchased the business a few years back. I had no idea! I was glad to get the cards out of my cupboard where I keep that type of stuff and he was happy to get it back. 

It was nice that I was able to do something nice for their family as their mother did nice things for mine. Karma is real and does come around. I think the personalized cards were fun seeing family photos on the cards. The wife said she got it off an online printing place years ago. It was kind of a cute gift. 

Have a blessed day!

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