
Friday, December 24, 2021

A Christmas Visitor For Princess Three - Scorpion Nightmare

Princess Three sent the family a text and video this week. She said she had an unexpected visitor. 

She was super excited in the video and I could tell she was really freaked out. I thought about uploading it, but you can't see the visitor as he is hidden in the carpet color. 

She was eating at her kitchen table and felt something smooth and cool on the floor and rubbed her toes over it to kinda determine what it was, but the thing on the floor suddenly started moving with the pressure from her toes. 

She freaked out and jumped up with one foot on one chair and another on the other chair and freaked out in terror as it was moving and she didn't dare go past it to get a cup or something to put over it. 

She called her husband crying as she doesn't do shocks well. Due to some post traumatic stress, she collapses when something puts stress on her system. 

Her husband was in class but knew someone in the first year who wouldn't be in class. He just happened to be walking past their apartment at that exact moment which I think is a huge blessing! He knocked and she ran to the door and was sobbing. 

He was able to kill it rather quickly as it wasn't moving very quickly. 

They have never seen a scorpion around the building or in the building, so she was terrified to walk around the apartment. Her husband got home, made her some tea, put her in the bath, and vacuumed the entire apartment so she could feel safe walking around. 

She has never liked spiders, but will kill them as needed, but I think the general shock to her system was more than she could deal with knowing she was touching it. 

She calmed down and then thought the entire thing was so funny. She sent us video and a photo but really, you can't see much, but hearing her tell me the story later on the phone was hilarious.

I told her I thought she was on the second floor as I haven't seen their apartment, and she is on the second floor! They think the only reason it didn't sting her was that it was slow from winter, or that they were spraying outside and it got some poison in it and couldn't move quickly! 

I guess they can climb trees, walls, ceilings etc. She said there is a tree outside that touches the apartment and it could have been that or just climbed up the building. 

I have never seen a scorpion inside a home, but I have seen them in buildings. We saw one years ago in a miniature golf place but that was in another city. 

I have seen scorpions over and over when camping in the dessert, but thank heavens they aren't in my yard. Hers are apparently in her yard! 

At least she is aware of it now. Hopefully, there won't be anymore visitors anytime soon and I am glad the building was spraying and that is the last they see! 

Have a blessed day!

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