
Friday, November 5, 2021

I Finally Gave Up on The Daith Piercing - Ears Are Still Infected

I feel like I gave the daith piercing a fair try. I had them in for over 2 months and fought infection and irritation for months. 

It helped with the headaches at first, but then over time, they came back and with every storm I had a headache. I threw up just as much with them as without them. 

They felt good for a few days after getting them and then they got irritated and infected. I ordered supposedly silver earrings off Etsy but they came and irritated my ear more than the original stainless steel ones. My tongue swelled up and got sores on it and I could taste metal all the time. When I contacted the "Maker" of them, he didn't say a word about why they would react so badly to supposedly silver earrings, not to mention it took weeks for me to get them. 

In the mean time, my niece put in some homemade silver rings from silver jewelry wire but they had marks and scratches on them from the tools and kept sawing up my ears and the infection cleared somewhat from the fake silver earrings, but with the homemade earrings cutting up my ears with micro-slices and the infection getting into the cracks, it didn't get healed all the way. 

I got so frustrated after throwing up last week with a migraine from a storm and the infection that I just pulled the earrings out. 

I regretted it as they were still infected and oozing and hot and red. At least with an earring in, I could get the antibiotic ointment and oils I was using to keep the infection down. I went to the only store in town that may have daith earrings, and the guy working had all sorts of piercings and he told me that every piercing he has gotten, he has had to replace the original earring they pierced it with as they always irritated him. He would just get stainless earrings and put them in and they worked fine. 

I talked to another girl who said plastic was the only thing that she could have in certain piercings to keep them from getting irritated, and yet another who has to take medication from the Dr. every day to keep her piercings from getting infected or irritated by the metals in the earrings. 

I wish I had just purchased a daith gold earring but the cost verses the benefits I was getting weren't worth it as reading online, many jewelers use lesser metals to bond with the gold or silver which causes the irritation in some people. I found titanium online after the fact which may have worked for me but at this point, I am now on antibiotics for the infection in my ears as I still have reddish purple and sore . ears! 

I think it also caused some other infections as I had them infected for almost 3 months and my body has been fighting it for so long it is worn out! I have been taking stuff and it would seem to get better and then another bought of infections would come. I figure the headaches were back and it did seem to help with the smaller daily headaches, but the storm headaches / migraines were just as bad as they had been after about a month so why go through it all? 

Anyway, I pray to be done with it all after this bought of antibiotics! I don't know that I would recommend it to anyone as I had such a hard time. Maybe if they bought several different types of earrings right off so they could trade out if the ones didn't work. I think if I had changed them out right at the beginning, I may have had a chance. I will never know now but thought I would post as a warning for others so they could try the plastic, titanium or gold / silver as that may have made a difference. 

Have a blessed day!

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