
Monday, November 8, 2021

Another Two Deaths This Week in My World

I am not sure what is going on, but there were two neighbors this week who passed away. One was the husband of one of the girls teachers, is a neighbor, and her husband was a wonderful wood worker who helped me recently cutting down a frame for some original art I bought. 

He got sepsis and passed away unexpectedly. It was a very sad situation. His wife called me and asked if I could lead the music at his funeral. I went to visit and take over some treats as I knew she would have family over. 

I asked about her neighbor who is a woman I visited monthly for many years. She moved out of state with her daughter and recently moved back into her home with her daughter as she got a bit of alzheirmer's this past year. 

She told me that this woman passed away that morning! The family isn't doing a funeral for neighbors, just for family, so I will drop something over this week. 

That is six deaths in a month and a half! It is so crazy! It makes me wonder if God needs an army as in the past six months, or so, there have been 11 deaths in my world. These past six have been rough. I hope that things calm down as I would like to be able to focus on other things. 

I hope you are having a better month! Have a blessed day!

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