
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Working with Missionaries on My Neighbors Yard

Last week when I was cleaning up my yard sale, a coupe I haven't seen in a long time pulled up and were wearing missionary tags on their chest.

I asked them what they were doing, and they told me that the husband took an early retirement, and decided to go on a service mission.  They were asking how I was doing and about my neighbors and how they were doing. 

I shared with them how I am taking care of my widowed neighbor and how she hasn't been able to hire anyone to work in her yard since covid. She hasn't been able to get anyone to do any weeding or spraying. She has called over and over trying to get people to weed. 

I keep seeing people asking online for people to weed for them for $10 to $20 an hour because they can't get people to work. Every store I go into has "help wanted" signs.

This couple said they would get some other service missionaries and go to my neighbors and do some weeding for her. The plan was worked out for today. I went down and they were all working hard weeding! 

My goal was to get her roses done and hoped they could get her field cleaned. When I cleaned it this spring, (click here for that post) I suggested spraying the weeds with poison and she said she had someone coming who said they would do it but it never happened. So, the weeds had gotten very tall and strong in the stalk and a weed whacker can't cut through them. 

It started to sprinkle and the one set of missionaries needed to go as they had another commitment. I went and helped load everything on the truck and it was VERY full. I visited with my neighbor and said they would be back another day with more help and hopefully be able to finish it. 

My neighbor was grateful getting her yard cleaned up and her roses are still in bloom and I wish I had taken a "before" picture as there was a bush growing taller than the roses that we didn't recognize, but I was able to cut it out. You can see the tree in one of the photos above.

I am so grateful for people who are willing to give up their time to help others! Have a blessed day!

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