
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

When Friends Depart - The Loss Of Two Good Friends

One of my closest friend in town died recently. She fought cancer for about ten years. She tried every treatment option they had. She tried every alternative I have ever heard about and many I haven't heard about, and was in several trial studies over that time. 

I worked with her closely in the ladies organization in our church for many years, and since that time, we have been good friends. 

We went on a Vegas get away and went to a Dr. Laura book signing as a friend of ours managed a book store. We went shopping and she bought me the cutest little purse. 

When I was having my yard sale a few years ago, she showed up after seeing my advertisement knowing I would be home alone. She brought me a cool fruit drink and then showed up every few hours so that I could go to the bathroom. 

When I was doing a summer girls camp for our young women's group at church, my feet swelled up so much as the thyroid medication I was trying made me toxic. She showed up with a towel, and essential oils and rubbed my feet as they were so swollen and cracked.  

We used to bicycle together up the mountain until I had issues with my wrists as going back down the mountain was putting pressure on my wrists.  

She also had such a great sense of humor. She had what people describe a "dry" sense of humor and was always making me laugh. She had a way of seeing things differently than others and being able to describe what she observed in a way that was humorous.

She has been one of my most thoughtful friends, just seeing a need and taking care of those needs. We raised some of our children at the same time even though she was older than me. 

I arrived home from the funeral today and got on Facebook and found out that another good friend passed away from complications from an illness. I couldn't believe it as I just thought about going to see her this past week as it has been awhile since I last saw her. 

We went to Massage Therapy School together and several follow up seminars as well. We stayed friends. I would stay at her home and we would do different therapies on each other. I really love and respect her for her spirituality and intuition. 

I was really shaken by the notice of losing two strong, intelligent, amazing women in my life so closely behind Princess One's mother-in-law, Princess Three's sister-in-law's mother, and another woman in our congregation lost her daughter that is my age. That is five amazing women in about 6 months! 

I'm missing my friends already! Have a blessed day!

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