
Monday, September 20, 2021

My Yard Sale on Saturday Was a Wash

I shared I have been struggling with being really tired lately and I was supposed to get a yard sale set up for Friday and Saturday. I was so tired Thursday, that I didn't set up for it and was waiting for the neighbor kid to mow the yard as it was super long. 

I finally got one here on Friday after asking three days in a row. they are great and mow regularly, but I guess they had a hard few weeks because it was super long. 

I went out after they mowed and started items out of the garage and setting up tables. I was up all night doing that and about 6 a.m. after 12 hours or putting stuff out, I has only half way or just under that to get everything out. 

I figured I would just keep pulling new boxes out in between people coming. I had been watching the weather as I wanted to have the yard sale but didn't want to deal with Rain. The app said 30%, then jumped to 50%, the to 60%. I got nervous and thought maybe I shouldn't keep spending my limited energy on that. 

I decided it I would go ahead and stick the stuff out as I bought some more plastic sheeting I could use to cover it if it did rain, but I was worried being along it is hard to place that quickly without things tipping over and breaking etc. 

Around 6 a.m. it started to sprinkle. I hurriedly covered things. it got worse very quickly, so I put some of the stuff back into the garage. I let time pass as I was pulling things out of different areas where they were stored and putting them all near the front of the garage. 

It was still raining, So, I showered and took a nap. I woke to thunder and rushed out to see a few of my cute neighbor kids trying to hold down, or put back the plastic tarps I had over everything. Together we filled totes and took them back into the house. We covered things with plastic and stuff heavy objects on them to hold the plastic down. 

I got soaking wet! I put some items out to dry in my home and sat down to eat and started shivering. I was so tired however, I kept waking just enough to curl up and an hour or two went past and I finally got up and I was still soaking wet. I took off the wet clothes and climbed into bed. 

I fell asleep around 5 p.m. and slept until 3 a.m. when I woke with a migraine. So, either my ears are so irritate with the allergic reactions I have been having, or I am reacting to the new earrings I put in that are supposed to be Sterling.

So, on the first day of the yard sale, I got nothing and could probably claim some losses with warping books, lo

I have fallen asleep every time I have sat down in the past week. I have been taking some anti-parasite stuff and I feel like I am having a massive hyper infection going on and my sit-itus is back. Here is my link to a funny post about that. Just trying to post this I fall sleep every sentence or so. I need to get to bed. 

Have a blessed day!

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