
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Kinda a Weird Day - Good and Bad - 1111 is my highlight

I got lots of sleep last night and was hoping to wake with lots of energy, but after getting up, my throat hurt, I started sneezing, and my stomach was churning. I had gotten ready for the day and no sooner finished putting my make-up on, than I was feeling so horrible, I just wanted to climb back into bed. I think getting wet and falling asleep in wet clothes the other day got me sick. I started getting undressed to climb back into bed when the post man showed up at my door with the Wind Chimes I sent to my host Mum in N.Z.! 

I asked him why they came back and he told me he didn't know, but that I would have to go to the post office to ask. It was expensive to ship and I know the woman at that small post office was having a rough day, but I was super sad to see that they had gone all the way there and back because she forgot to input it into the system. 

I forgot to take a photo of the box. It has stickers all over it. In fact, the woman behind the counter at my local post office did take a photo of it to contact the post master and show him what had gone on with the box. 

I would have done better to have waited the weekend and just mailed it from my local larger post office, but hindsight is an easy thing to judge off of as you can see the entire situation. 

I did come home and climb back into bed at one point and slept for an hour or so, and I did feel better after that hour, but did still want to stay in bed. I couldn't as I needed to put up signs for my yard sale, so I printed up the signs and went out and put up signs and bought a few groceries as it is hard to get away when you are in charge of a yard sale with no help. 

I smiled at the store when I saw the $11.11 total. I did get my phone out and take a photo of that. I was out putting signs up until after dark. 

It was a good day with the 11.11 but not so good that the gift came back. I have fallen asleep in the chair and I am still sneezing and fighting the sore throat, but I need to get up in a few hours and start putting things out for the yard sale, so I am headed to bed. 

Have a blessed day!

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