
Friday, September 24, 2021

Dehydrating Apples With No Power

I have had a super long day and am so tired again. I am more sunburned and am dehydrated. My feet are swollen and cracking.

I had a few minutes this morning when there was a lull in my yard sale. I had picked up all the apples and pears that had fallen on my grass in the wind, but fell asleep last night before being able to put them on the dehydrator, so I decided to do it during the lull. 

I had the dehydrator completely filled and the power went out! I had customers outside and I then realized that I had a phone message from the power company saying my power would be out for three hours this afternoon. I worried that the fruit would be brown before the power came back on. 

I started calling some neighbors about taking my dehydrator over but after helping all the people that came to the yard sale, I went back in and the power was back on. It was such a relief. 

Yesterday the neighbors power went out but they are on a different line than my house as many years ago, my power was out along with my entire side of the street so I was surprised that my side power went out. 

It only seemed to effect the last apple I put on. The rest seemed to be ok which was happy. 

I am thrilled I made over $200 again today and my four day total is over $1100, so I am thrilled. I still have two days left, so I hope I can keep up the and pull more boxes out. I moved all the $1 and $2 items onto tarps so I could make space to put more things out tomorrow. I hope I can sleep well tonight. I had leg cramps again last night. 

Have a blessed day!

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