
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Another Night Falling Asleep In the Chair - Yard Sale Happiness $380

 Once again I am exhausted and have fallen asleep in the chair. My throat is swollen on one side. It is a lymph and I think it goes back to the rain and shivering. I fell asleep in my wet clothes after trying to rescue my yard sale stuff in the rain and woke shivering. 

Every day has been so long and I am exhausted getting up early, working all day hauling heavy eBay boxes out of the garage, and putting them out and being in the hot sun most of the day. I am dehydrated and woke last night with leg cramps. 

I drank a glass of pickle juice and that helped as that has happened about three times now and each time, the pickle juice has taken care of the cramping. 

I sit to blog and fall asleep in the chair not feeling well, and being hot and tired. I pray I can continue to make good money for the next few days and make enough to pay my house taxes and insurance for the year. 

God is good! I made $380 today and am still bringing out new things so I remind people to come back and visit in the next few days. It seems like most people, once they get out of the car, will buy something, so I love when they actually stop and look at things. 

I am headed to bed. It was 1:11 when I woke and started writing this and laughed when I saw how long I have been sleeping with my head hanging in the chair. My neck isn't feeling great having fallen asleep in the chair three nights in a row. 

Have a blessed day!

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