
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Visiting Princess Five's Apartment - Count Your Blessings

On our trip to meet Prince Three's family, and to have their wedding shower for Princess Three, Princess Five asked if I wanted to see her apartment. 

I actually found the apartment for her long before she arrived home from her mission during Covid. I had to do a virtual tour and I also called and talked to several people about the apartment and about who may be living in the apartment. 

I talked to Princess Four who lived in the area, and she went and did a tour for me. She was so good to call a few people as well for me. I sent in the deposit so that Princess Five would have a place to live for school this past year. She liked living there so much, that she decided to stay for this upcoming year. 

We were able to go and see her apartment and her room. Her cute roommates decorated the apartment for her birthday. It was wonderful to see her cute place and what made me smile the most was the pillow on her bed! 

During her accident five years ago, a sweet neighbor brought her that pillow to cheer her up. She has it displayed prominently as a reminder to see the positive in even rough situations! 

It is weird that she has been up there a full year now and I hadn't seen her place. I used to go move them every time. Covid sure has changed things! 

Have a blessed day!

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