
Friday, August 6, 2021

Beauty Amongst The Stress - Beautiful Flowers In My Yard

 We have been having a drought in the west this year. I stressed about watering my lawn and have had yellow patches and dead flowers and shrubs in the front and back. 
It is interesting that in the past two weeks, we have had rain every day! We have been praying and fasting for rain and I believe God is our Father in Heaven and he cares about us. I believe he is blessing us with moisture when needed. 

I turned off my sprinklers and really enjoyed the beauty of the flowers around my yard. I almost felt like God knows how stressed this week and next week will be and is just sending me reminders to find the JOY in life. 

These trumpet looking flowers come from bulbs my mother gave me. They do not bloom every year. With all the moisture the past few weeks, they shot up and blossomed in the past two days. The orange lilies do bloom most years but are rather vibrant. Those came with the house. 

The pansies in my mailbox planter were left over from helping a neighbor plant flowers. It is weird that only one rose is in bloom, but one of the other five has a white blossom on it. I am not sure what made that one blooms twice, but I pruned the old blossoms off last week, and this one must be enjoying the water. 

I also have the front flower pots and they have been dying and this burst of water has brought them back. It is lovely to see beauty in so many spots in the yard as I still have other spots that aren't as beautiful. It is a struggle with all I have going on to keep up on the yard.

I have half the monkey bars landscaping done and the wood chips need to be put down, and I have dead shrubs needing to be pulled out, I haven't sprayed any poison on the yard and I have weeds in every part of my lawn due to the field next door. If I don't get it done soon, there won't be much lawn left. ha ha 

I give gratitude for my eyes almost every day feeling so blessed to be able to see so many of God's beauties. 

Have a blessed day!

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