
Monday, June 21, 2021

Car Shopping, Dehydration, and Migraines

Here is the post I had done the other night but had problems posting. I think I fell asleep while posting being tired, and hit some keys that reformatted the page so I couldn't get it to post.

I have had maybe 6 hours sleep in two nights. I shared about Wedding Dress Shopping, and today I spent the day car shopping.

Yesterday, I woke with a migraine and threw up before I started to go wedding dress shopping. The temperature was 100 and running from store to store and it was super hot in the dressing rooms with the curtains drawn. I was sweating all day. 

Today, I went car shopping with Princess Two from 10 a.m. until nearly 6 p.m. It was 102 degrees today. I was so hot getting into hot car after hot car on several different car lots while Princess Two test drove 20 cars or so. 

She wasn't sure what type of car she wanted but was hoping to find something smaller than her Honda Pilot. She drove a Subaru Outback, Subaru Forester, Grand Jeep Cherokee, Mazda Something, Subaru Esprea or something, Honda Pilot, Honda CR-T, Chev Blazer, Toyota Rav - 4, Honda Passport, Toyota Highlander, and some others I am forgetting. It was SUCH a hot day as the big dealerships have a hard time air conditioning such large offices, and the smaller dealerships, we just stood out in the hot sun, and being in the hot cars over and over, I was just so dehydrated by the end. 

There were so many times I just had sweat dripping down my face. Princess Two was a trooper. She just kept going trying to find something that would work. At the dealerships, they kept saying that they had half of the regular inventory and due to not being able to get the cars they needed due to Covid backlogs, the prices of cars has driven up causing high costs of almost any car! 

In the end, she didn't purchase one as we have a friend that may be upgrading their sweet ride and may be willing to sell her their car. She has also decided that she is very grateful for her working car and that it is paid off and after driving some uncomfortable cars, hers isn't all that horrible! 

I am so dehydrated that I have been drinking non-stop since.

Have a blessed day!

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