
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Air Fried Pizza - So GOOD

I wasn't feeling all that well today. I am not sure what is going on but I think I may have gotten bitten by a poisonous spider. 

The night before last, I felt a burning pain in my right side just above the pant line. I had been working in the back yard and had been sitting on the ground. I came in to eat dinner and was sitting in the recliner and the burning was severe. 

The next night, my side was really itchy and then today all day, the area is red and raised up. I have heard that black widow spider bites really burn. I have seen so many in the yard this year. 

I was just so tired today I wanted to cry as I have so much I need to do, but I just couldn't do it. 

I was so HAPPY to see in the fridge today that I had some pizza left from my good friend who owns a pizza store. She brought over a gluten free pizza to visit yesterday and I tried it in the electric fryer as I didn't want to heat up the house.

While she was visiting, I made some french fries for her to try in the fryer and she really enjoyed that. A bit later, I had another friend who moved away a few years back show up. I made her some fries as well and she enjoyed them as well! 

Later, I put the pizza in the fryer and sent photos to my friend that brought the pizza over to show her how brown the pizza got in less than 5 minutes. 

It tasted so good! It was dry enough on the bottom that I could fold it over and eat it like a sandwich. Usually, all the toppings come off and the center is very wet with that crust. 

I was able to fry up that last piece of pizza today when I wasn't feeling all that great and gave gratitude for my friend and her pizza. 

I hope I feel better tomorrow as I need to get the back yard landscaping done, but hope my side feels better. My side is burning currently so I hope I can sleep well.

Have a blessed day!

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