
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wish I Lived A Bit Closer - First Softball Game For Grand-Princess One

Today was the first time I have left the house since getting sick. I was out of my food staples and actually felt good enough to leave the house. 

I had bills to pay, banking to deposit, and items from two different stores to purchase. I was really happy to get out and ran into several neighbor at the stores getting the items I needed. It was really nice getting to connect and visit with someone in person. 

I was glad to be able to get stuff off my "to do" list and just be outside! I was able to get the first watermelon of the season and was disappointed with it. 

THE HIGHLIGHT of my day, was that Grand Princess One sent pictures and video of her oldest playing softball! I have always wanted to be a grandma that could sit and watch the games and just enjoy the game and the cuteness of the children playing. 

I always had to coach and had other children in tow when my children were playing sports. I wish they lived closer so I could see her play, but the next best thing was the videos of her hitting and running. I think she is going to be a good little player. 

I am excited to get to play and practice with her next time I see them! I played since I was 11 and was on the all star team and coached every one of my girls starting with t-ball. 

Being a grandma is the best Joy of my life! 

Have a blessed day!

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