
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Helping My Neighbor Plant Her Flowers - Becoming an Annual Event

I am feeling a bit better but am still struggling with stamina. Last night I was so tired. I couldn’t get to sleep until early morning and flipped and flopped when I did fall asleep. 

I kept having pin point pricks of pain in my body in different spots and it felt like the worms burrowing out. I had a "tens" until on in two spots on my back as I have shoulder and back issues and am seeing a chiropractor and the "tens" unit is helping loosen between my shoulders. 

I kept waking with night sweats and then cold and then hot. I also have been having some collar bone / shoulder pain and then numb arms and fingers. It was terrible. I was so tired, I set my alarm and it went off at 4 p.m. so I could get up and go help my neighbor plant some flowers as she asked me on Monday and I told her I was still weak and having a hard time breathing, so we decided I would help her at 5 on Wednesday. 

I was so tired that I felt like crying. I kept hitting snooze and I just kept falling back to sleep. It was 5 p.m. and I sent her a few texts asking if she was home from her nail apt. and she didn’t get back to me. I dragged myself out of bed so exhausted but really wanted to help her. I finally just called her about 5:30 and she said that another neighbor was helping her and she just saw my texts. I went down and we both helped her for a few minutes. We helped plant the rest of the flowers and then we talked about other things that need to be done in her yard. 

Last year Princess Five and I went down and pulled weeds and planted her flowers. I am glad that she will allow us to help her and am glad in some small way we can pay back all the good deeds her husband did for us over the years!

I am glad that I was able to get out of the house today and was able to get more done today (actually all night) as I have visitors coming tomorrow. I need to get my house in order before they come but I have been so tired I haven't gotten much done in weeks. 

I am going to go to bed now and pray I an get some decent sleep. There are just so many things that need to be done! 

Have a blessed day!

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