
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Total Lunar Eclipse - Kind Of Cool Event

I don't watch the news. I don't read the newspaper. I don't listen to the radio. The only news I get, I see on passing online homepages, or I get local emails from the main newspaper in the state. 
I don't often open the emails from newspaper, but if there is a big headline, I will open the email. Yesterday, I saw that there was going to be an eclipse. 

I let my girls know to look for it if they wanted to get up in the night. If you read my blog, you will know I don't sleep well for the most part. So, I figured if I was awake around the time for the eclilpse, I would go out and see if I could see it.

I don't often use my Lumix Camera anymore as my phone is so much easier to use. I at first tried to take some photos using my phone and couldn't get anything on it as it was so dark. 

I pulled out my Lumix Panasonic camera I bought a few years back, and love that it has some preset options for photos. I don't know how to use it as it is so complex, but with the preset options, I was able to take some great photos. 

The super lens's made the moon large enough to see some good detail. I went out and took the "Cheshire cat" moon sliver pictures. I then set the alarm for another 15 minutes and went out and took the full eclipse pictures. You can see how there is a slight halo from the right on those photos and within just a minute or two, I couldn't get enough light to take anymore photos. 

The moon dropped so low on the horizon that I couldn't see it coming out of the eclipse as the sky lightened but it was another heavenly manifestation that I was very grateful I have eyes to see! 

I got emails from my family all over and they all got up and said they couldn't see it due to cloud cover, so I am feeling very blessed to have been able to have the sky clear enough to get to see the event and also be able to take some fun pictures. 

I thought in some ways, the pictures looked somewhat like a baby in the womb photos. Just a passing thought. 

It was a cool event. I have seen many eclipses in my life, but this by far was the closest and best photos I have been able to take. 

Have a blessed day!

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