
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Manifesting What I Need and Want - God Loves Me

I have been manifesting what I need and want for many years now. It is the reason for my blog and YouTube channel names. I have gratitude frames where I place things that I am grateful for or feel are blessings.

I made a video today to share three different things that I have gotten recently that I have been needing or wanting. It is interesting how I didn't even know that some of these things are available, but needed something to fulfill a need. 

God is always so good to provide me with the things I want and need. All my family and friends say, "If you ever need anything, tell her as she always finds anything she is looking for." I am always asking people to tell me what they are looking for, as when you say something out loud, it creates and starts that process in motion. Just like the book "The Secret" shares, you can manifest what you need by just focusing on it. 

I have been so blessed in my life to continually get the things I want and need. In this video I share about finding a bottle of "Bluing" that I had been wanting to use on my mothers wedding dress. It isn't all that common, so for me to find it within a week or two of me wanting it isn't coincidence. 

In the past day or two I have been pondering on what would be the best way to make tea for my kombucha using loose tea. I didn't think using the smaller containers that hold loose tea as I make four gallons of tea each week. I want to use loose tea as it is cheaper than using tea bags and also less work than opening so many individual tea bags as I use 32 each week. 

I also mention an electric fryer I got from my sisters I posted about last week and several bags of frozen french fries from the food bank that had excess as I help them distribute excess food they have that won't fit in the freezer, fridge, or warehouse. 

My life is so blessed as these type of things happen all the time. I haven't shared about this type of thing as much as I did in the early years of the blog so I wanted to post about it as I a so blessed! 

I hope you are as blessed!

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