
Monday, May 3, 2021

This Illness Is Lingering Longer - Lung Issues

I thought for sure I would be feeling better after a restful weekend. I haven't left my property for over a week and was hoping to get back to normal.

I have wanted to get working on my yard and garage as the weather is getting nice, but I can't seem to have any energy to get much done. 

I started working in the garage and lasted about ten minutes. I did a breathing treatment which loosened up some gunk in my lungs but it seemed to make things worse in a way as then I started coughing and choking. 

I worked on my garage for another forty minutes and was just so tired all day. 

I fell asleep during a family chat call today. I fell asleep another four or five times as I tried to order a few things online and write my blog for today. I can't believe how long this illness is lingering. I really want to feel better as I have things I need to get done! 

I have slept so much in the past week I should be full of energy. I have also gained lots of weight in the past month since getting exposed to this nightmare illness. When I sleep, I keep waking in sweat. I hope to feel better soon! 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Hope you get feeling better. Exposed to covid I take it? I found your blog while searching up horsehair worms. I do believe that's what I have. But i see those squiggly hairs EVERYWHERE. Stores, homes, outside..I'm so scared and freaked out,

    1. Thank you for your well wishes. I am feeling better a bit. Have you checked out my website about this worm? It is called and all of the information I have is posted on that site and on my youtube channel parasite playlist. Hopefully, I will be able to find a cure soon! I am sorry to hear you may have this. It is horrible to have but at some point they will have to study it. I just hope it is soon. Have a blessed day!
