
Friday, April 30, 2021

I Hope I Am On The Mend

I started writing this post and put it down for some reason and when I was brushing my teeth to get into bed, I remembered that I hadn't finished my post. So, I guess I am not completely healed as I am still a bit tired and loopy. 

I had several family members and friends call and ask how I was feeling today. I guess the word got out that I was sick as I haven't posted being sick on social media or anything. Most of my family doesn't read my blog so they didn't know I was sick. I have just taken care of myself and am grateful I am feeling better. However, once they hear my voice, it is clear I am sick.

Last night I got the best sleep of a week and only woke once with a weird dream. I still had some wheezing in my lungs and did a breathing treatment today. I felt a bit more energy today, but not enough to do much. 

I am hoping that I will be back to normal by Monday. Have a great weekend and a blessed day!

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