
Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day - Honoring Those of The Past and Present

I have been working on the yard and house and was able to pull lots of weeds last night. It was nice to get two of the front beds weeded. 

I pruned back the roses and got a few for a vase to take to my mom's grave. I wasn't planning on heading up to the graves but my sister said she wanted to head to the graves and had some shopping to do. 

I haven't been to my fathers parents grave for a few years now and look forward to taking some roses to her grave. A few months back I visited my mothers grave and the headstone was sinking in one corner and the grass was growing over the stone and you couldn't read the names. You can see in the photos how the stone leaned down to the right on an angle.

I contacted my brother that ordered the stone and he informed me that part of the headstone cost is the "resettling" of the stone so he contacted the company and he informed me tonight that the stone had be resettled. I was glad as I asked him to ask them to have it done by memorial day so that when people went to visit it would look nice.

I am glad that we were able to get that taken care of and that we can honor her in that way. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful heritage. 

I felt strongly that I should call my dad this week and tell him how much I appreciate him for being such a great dad. He has sacrificed so much over the years to give us a good foundation. His wife, my wonderful step-mother, has given up so much to support our family and provide for each missionary monthly. Here is a post showing how many missionaries they have supported and how many countries all over the world they have helped by providing for those missionaries. 

I really was able to have a good conversation with my dad and we had some good laughs. 

I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family and heritage. It truly is a blessing in my life. 

I wish you all a wonderful Memorial Day!

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