
Monday, April 19, 2021

Stoning Ourselves - Sometimes We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

I was sitting in church today when I got a feeling that I should share some things that I have been working on recently. After church, I outlined a video and recorded the video sharing things I have done, and am still working on improving about myself, and how I talk to myself. 

In the video, I suggest that we throw stones at ourselves regularly by the things we think and those words we say out loud about ourselves. 

I share ideas on how to be kind to ourselves, and stop negative self talk and behaviors. I share how we would never say things to others that we tell ourselves daily. We don't treat ourselves like we would a friend or our family. 

We are often more kind to others than we are to ourselves. I make several suggestions about how I have been working on talking kinder to myself, putting up reminder notes through my day so that I can break the cycle of negative talk. 

I start my day by singing some positive "songs" while I get ready and have noticed since I have been doing that, I do less self talk and have been laughing more throughout my day! 

It is a path and I am working on accepting myself how I am, rather than judging myself as I have judged myself in the past. It is nice to be happier with myself. 

At the end of the video, I share a song written by Michael McClain called "Gentle" and I link the video here as I think you will enjoy hearing it. 

Here are the lyrics to GENTLE:

Like a gentle wind can blow the clouds from the sky,
Like a gentle touch can ease the pain of goodbye,
Like a gentle smile embraces empty souls in lonely places,
We should be more gentle with ourselves.

[Verse 2]

Like the friend who gently builds us up when we're down,
Like a gentle kiss can turn our world all around,
We've been hurt by others often,
We've forgiven and forgotten,
We should be more gentle with ourselves.


Life can be hard but
we need not be so hard
on ourselves,
If we will see

[Verse 3]

Like the Shepherd leads his flock with gentle commands.
With his gentle voice that only hearts understand.
One thing we can know for certain, He has borne the awful burden
so we can be more gentle with ourselves.

Have a blessed day!

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