
Friday, April 16, 2021

111 and In God We Trust Week

I had the best days this week! I had lots of errands to run and at my first stop the other day, I parked in a spot I have only park in a few times in the 20+ years I have lived here. 

All the other spots were taken so I had to park in that different area. As soon as I opened the door, I knew why I had to park there, there was a penny just on the ground as I opened the door. I didn't even get out of the car to take the picture!

I got to the next store where I was purchasing a goodbye gift card for my friend who is moving, and when I was checking out, there was a coin on the ground. 

I went to the next store and was buying a balloon to tie onto the treats to go with the gift card and found another penny at checkout. 

I went to the goodbye party my bunko group had for her, and loved that my hosting friend bought me some gluten free rolls for the turkey salad. It was a good night. 

The other day I spent a few hours researching something I read about that helps return normal flora to the gut and found while researching that there is a patented process for a specific type of the product, and it happens to be called De111! 

I ordered them and laughed when I saw the order number started with a 111! The order ended up being placed on the 11th as well!  

I fell like God is letting me know He is in the details of my life in several ways! Reminding me to trust in Him with the coins, and letting me know He is in charge and maybe my health will get better soon!

Wouldn't that be wonderful! I feel so blessed to have reminders in my life to Trust in HIM and also that he is mindful of me with the 111's!  

Have a blessed day!

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