
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Working Hard Never Smelled So Good

I am back to helping my friend clean out her house. I shared a bit about this before the holidays. We took a break over the holidays and it has been busy for her until this week. 

She has a large family and still has a young son, but also grandchildren older than her younger children. Her husband works out of state so she has LOTS going on. It is really hard for her to get through things with the amount of things she has going on. She also has three or four different jobs going on, so I am in awe sometimes of all she gets done. 

She is a distributor for a scented warmer business. She had a room full of documentation, old catalogs, and tester smelling scents. It was really cute that her children and grandchildren wanted to help us get organized. We were trying to get the tester scents put into small drawers so that she can have a clearance sale. It was hard working with a mask on, but it was nice as we sorted I was able to smell some really nice smells!

The kids liked putting the tester scents in the drawers top up while we organized all the paper work. We were able to throw out two large containers of papers, get all the small scents ready to sell, and put all the other items into boxes for us to be ready to sort tomorrow. Lots of the boxes are things that have collected on the counters and then were scooped into boxes when they had to clean up for events. I have a family member who is a paper collector like that and my mother was the same way, so I am good at sorting through boxes of papers and putting them into functional piles to go through quickly. 

My hope is that tomorrow, we can get through lots of those boxes as she has a bedroom that could be used if we could get through all the boxes. Her garage is something we want to get done as well, but it is really cold out, so we thought we would work on the house while it is cold. 

She wanted a waffle iron I was selling on the local website that flips to a grill as well. While we were sorting through things, she found some broken gold necklaces and said she would trade me for the waffle iron so I could have the necklaces. I thought that was a nice trade. As you know I collect silver and gold for emergency purposes and you can see a post about that here. 

I worked 6 hours today but didn't have the best night sleep last night and am fighting a starting migraine as we have been having storms. I hope tomorrow goes well for both of us. 

Have a blessed day! 

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