
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

It's In The Bag

A few days ago, I was making some treats to take as "Thank You" gifts and "good luck" gifts as some leadership in our local congregation changed over.

I made some popcorn treats and needed gift / treat bags to put the treats in. I used to put on a huge boutique each November and rent out spaces. I would make items all year and used to buy the cellophane treat bags bulk in the boxes of 100 regularly for use in the boutique. 

I haven't done the boutique in many years as it was so much work all year and I wasn't making enough to justify the work as being a single mom took so much of my time. 

I also use the bags as treat bags for class parties, youth camps, girls camps, drill and cheer gift bags, and each Christmas I would fill the bags with dried apples, and the homemade popcorn treats which are both shown in the post linked here.  

Since we had Covid this year, I didn't give out my normal treats. Since I am no longer working with the boy scouts, and no longer have girls at home, my need for these bags has declined. 

I pulled out my bag collection which I have in a plastic drawer and realized it was a mess. I had so many different bags tossed in. It has been years since I organized it. Last time was when I was making treat bags for Drill team competitions when Princess Five was till in high school! Here is a post where I share about making those gift bags which we made for most every competition! 

I did want to share how I purchase the bags. I usually shop the "after holiday" sales to get the bags for the next school year. Being "room mom" for most of my girls classes, I would make treat bags for each holiday. They are usually between $.25 to $.75 for a package of 10 - 25 bags. 

The dollar stores usually have bags for each holiday so you can get enough for a few dollars. The other place I get bags sometimes for cheap is thrift or second hand stores. So many times I get bags of new bags for $.50 to $1. Recently I got three boxes of 100 for $1 which breaks down to a penny each bag. 

I used to buy those boxes of 100 for $10 for the smallest bags to $15 for the larger bags and I am sure they are even more expensive now. 

I spent some time today to sort and organize the bags and get rid of somethings I won't use. It is a weird space to be in as sometimes I think I should get rid of all of them, and other times I think I may use them for service in church groups or for my grandchildren. It is organized now by holiday and I decided to keep some for now. 

Have a blessed day!

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