
Monday, January 18, 2021

Wish Her Luck - Princess Four Is Starting A New Job

Princess Four is having a big day today. She moved into a new apartment in the past few days and is starting a new job TODAY!

She interviewed for seven different jobs in the past few months. She was offered five of the jobs that she interviews for but didn't feel like they were what she would want after looking into them further after getting offered the job. The two jobs that she didn't get offered, she REALLY wanted and made it to the final 2 for the job. She got second interviews and lost it to one other person. 

But in true form, Her Heavenly Father knows what is best for her. He is so good to give us what we need over what we may want! 

She applied for a different job that was VERY different than any of the other jobs that she had been applying for, and it wasn't something she would have thought about going into. She ended up getting an interview and there were over 100 applicants. About 20 people got a first interview, and four or so ended up getting a second interview.

She had been working a temp job for a week or so just to help her have something until she found a job she felt would be a good fit for her. She was offered the job and is REALLY excited about it. I told her that it was wonderful that she has finally found something that she enjoys to do and is going to be a manager of a retail store! They are expanding and want her to move and open a new location in a different city but will be in training for 6 months to a year first! 

She is excited to be starting and was able to leave her temp job on good terms as she was planning on giving them 2 weeks, but they said they were fine with her finishing up on Friday. She is really excited about this new job as it is with a store that she really enjoys! 

I am excited to see her doing something she finds interesting and is excited about herself! 

Have a blessed day!

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