
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My Memory Is Full & Great First Day For Princess Four

It was a migraine day. I have shared that I have had LOTS of headaches and fatigue in the past few weeks. The highlight of my day was a call at lunchtime from Princess Four telling me she is LOVING her new job on her first day!  She reaffirmed that after work this evening as well! I am so proud of her and happy for her!

With the girls being home for the past 7 months, and helping them get moved on, along with the health issues, I just haven't had the energy and time to transfer photo's and videos onto a back up drive and off my phone. 

It has been a full year since I took videos and photos off my computer to my back up drive. Having a blog, a website, and a YouTube channel, you can imagine how many videos and pictures I take every year. 

My computer was so full that even the thumbnail pictures wouldn't show up. I haven't pulled everything off yet, but I was able to pull off a few larger videos so that I could at least see the thumbnails as I couldn't find the pictures I want to post because I couldn't get the thumbnails to come up.  

I hope I start feeling better. I want to get back to working on finishing my garage but it has been a few rough weeks.  

Have a Blessed Day!


  1. Did u ever figure out what parasite you had ? I have the exact same symptoms and have been sick for almost a year . Please write back I need help !

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. I didn't publish your other comment due to contact information. I wish I had answers for you. I am still struggling and there isn't a test for this parasite. I did post all of my information and some thoughts on a ways that your Dr. may be able to get you diagnosed. I haven't found a cure yet but have had a busy year and haven't worked on it much. I hope that I will be able to do more this year on researching and trying new things. The website is and you can look through there to see if anything there helps you. I am so sorry that I don't have more to help you. Everything I know is on that page. I am still suffering and getting worse daily. I will say a prayer for you. Have a blessed day!
