
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My Cute Little Dinasaurs - Different Halloween for Many This Year

I got some cute pictures of Princess Ones kids. All of her kids were Dinosaurs this year!

For Halloween this year, they chose not to Trick-or-Treat. She decided to have a Costume Contest and printed up little cards for the kids to vote on the costumes of the kids that came to their house. They only had 8, 9, and 10, cards, but the kids really enjoyed sitting at a judging table. 

They watched Halloween movies and ate caramel apples. They video chatted with the family and we all enjoyed them judging our "costumes" and they were so cute. I was actually washing my windows on a ladder and told them my costume was a "window washer" which was funny. 

I had a nephew that did trick-or-treat by doing a treasure hunt through their home. I also had a friend who had her kids and grandchildren trick or treat to every door in their home and gave them LOTS of candy.

A neighbor's family met up with all their family at a cabin and did games and distributed candy to the children through the weekend together. 

I think many of them had more fun than they would have had they actually gone Trick-0r-Treating. 2020 and the year of Covid-19 will be one for the record books. 

I was washing my windows and then was out in the garage area and it was dark. I didn't have lights on and I heard the families walking past saying, "Yes, this is that house, guess they aren't doing it this year." 

I felt sad that I couldn't have people come in and pick jewelry like I usually do, but felt that by taking candy "jewelry" to all my neighbors, I was being safe for them and me. We did hand out candy before dark as Princess Four was home but I was washing the windows on the house until dark so I didn't hand out any of the candy. 

I hope that next year we can get back to "normal" and live without fear of connecting with others. 

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween and a blessed day!

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