
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I Did an Oopsy Putting the New Toilet In

I spent the day buying parts and trying to put a new toilet in the master bathroom. I had a crack in the front of the toilet in there for years. 

More recently, I bought a toilet brush and when I used it, it created scratches in the finish and the cracks would collect bacteria and I would have dark lines running back and forth through the bowl. 

I decided to put a new toilet in and when I took the other one off, I had forgotten that when someone helped me put the tile in that bathroom, the flange got put in wrong and the screws are supposed to be held in by sliding it under and sliding it down but due to the positioning, if it were to be held down, the toilet would be crooked. 

Also, the metal had been rusting and so I decided to take that flange out so I unscrewed it and in doing so, realized that it had rusted through in one spot so I chipped it out. I ran to the hardware store again, and bought a new one. 

The new one didn't fit with the grout so I had to chip the grout and a bit of the tile to get it to be able to fit. In doing that, I dropped the little file I was using to chip out the grout down the drain. It went down to the basement and I could hear it falling! 

I finally was able to pull it up. I was so excited that I didn't have to try and get it out of the trap in the basement or to call a plumber. 

I didn't quite finish the job as the larger washer that goes between the tank and bowl that I purchased was smaller than I needed. I will have to get the right one and finish it tomorrow. 

Have a blessed day!

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