
Thursday, November 19, 2020

I Was Up All Night Working and Missed Posting


I have been working so hard on the garage, house, and yard for months now. I had that yard sale a few months back and have been selling items that I pulled in after the sale knowing I could make more selling them online than at yard sale prices. 

I sold enough on eBay and on the local yard sale sites that I was able to pay most of the house taxes using those funds. I have been working so hard on the garage recently that I haven't been listing as much online or the local sites. I have had boxes of items that need to be listed and I have already taken photos of them but just haven't had the time to get them listed. 

With that, I was hoping to finish the garage so I could put all the boxes of things I was working on listing on the shelves. However, Princess Three informed us that she is bringing a guy home for Thanksgiving so that made my plans shift. 

I had shelves that I was going to purchase at Home Depot and when I went to pick them up so I could put all those boxes on the shelf, every shelf was sold and not one store withing 5 hours of me had more than a few shelves! There was only one store in the entire state that had the five shelves that I wanted. I spent about 8 hours trying to figure out how to get the shelves as there was no option to order them online as I guess the stores couldn't reorder them and when I contacted the store that had them, I was told they can't ship things store to store due to Covid and that they couldn't allow me to pay for them over the phone, and since I couldn't order them online, I was frustrated. 

I was happy however that they had the shelves and the store happens to be in the city where two of my girls live, and they were coming home anyway, So I figured she could just use the credit card she has of mine, but then I remembered that her new one is here and hers expired, so she can't use my card. She said she would pay for it but then if I need to return one or have any problems she would have the receipt. 

I finally was able to find someone who knew how to allow me to purchase the item but I ended up applying for their credit card so now I have a store care which I really don't think I will use but at least I was able to get the five shelving units that will make my garage so much more functional.   

So, I was going to share a quick post in the afternoon after being up all night. I took some photos and sat down to post and fell asleep for an hour. Here are some of the photos of the boxes I had stacked up for the past months while I was trying to make money for the house taxes. 

Here are those photos. Have a blessed day!

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