
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I Found a Treasure Today - Vintage Tandem Bike

I had one of the busiest and longest days in months. I only got a few hours sleep and was up after those few hours sleep. 

I ran errands and will share about some of the things I got done later, but I wanted to share a fun find I found today. 

I was shopping at a second hand store and went to the furthest back section which I don't often view. I saw a tandem bicycle. It was a 1960 sears bike with the vintage colors and seats. I love the back handlebar as it is high like the style at the time. 

I wasn't sure if I should get it as I don't have a car big enough to get it home. I paid for my other items and was going back to look at the bike to see if it was worth buying, when I left the front door to head around to the back, my sister just pulled up and was walking in. I showed her the bike and asked if she would be willing to take it to my house. 

She was willing, so I bought the bike after looking it up online. I think I can turn it around and sell it for a great profit. I could use the funds as I want to purchase shelving for my garage so I can have somewhere to store totes. I am so frustrated with the lack of storage and hope that I can keep working and get my yard and house how I would like them.

I have to say that I would like to get the bike in shape and let the girls take a ride on it while they are home for the holiday, so I may take a minute to get it fixed up in the next few days. 

Have a blessed day!

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