
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Things Are Looking Bright For Princess Four - Prayers Are Good

Princess Four graduated college from a very well known business school with a near perfect GPA. Since then, she applied for many jobs. She interviewed and was offered two full time positions, but in the end, she didn't feel they were where she would be helping others and wanted to find joy in her work. 

She liked the people she would be working with, but just felt that they weren't the right "fit" as she really wants to do something to "help" others. 

Being a nurse, I can understand that desire to help others in a career choice as it brings me joy to see others feeling better and healing. 

She has been looking for jobs maybe in marketing, outreach, or at a university. Having been an ambassador for one university, and an outreach person at another, she has always enjoyed that work. 

Someone sent her a job listing at the university business school where she just graduated. When she saw the job posting, she felt that the job would tick all the boxes for a job she would enjoy and give her the opportunity to help others.  

For one, she just graduated from that same university, and not only that, she graduated form the business school at that university! She LOVES that school! She transferred there from a Jr. College after getting her associates degree and serving as a missionary in Japan. 

She loves people! She would be SO good at that job and particularly at that school because she just graduated and can relate to anyone that would be applying or interested in attending because she went through all the same things herself! 

So, with some advice from one of the professors who helped her organize a "transfer student club" at the school while she was attending, he suggested she apply and gave her some tips on perhaps upping her odds at getting an interview and hopefully landing the job! 

Her sisters were super helpful at editing her resume and Princess Two is in HR at a different university, so she was able to help her with her cover letter suggesting things that catch her eye when they are hiring. 

Today, she found out that she has an interview for the position! She is SO excited and this would be her dream job! I think she and the job are a perfect FIT! 

I bought sushi and ice cream to celebrate, and our friend James who makes the sushi gave her a sushi roll for free! I also got her a gift card and a cute saying for her new office that says, "When God closes one door, He opens another" and filled a gift bag with snacks that she enjoys when she travels. She would have to move back to where she just moved home from. Last week, she finally just moved all her stuff home from her sisters garage and another sisters back room! ha ha. 

However, I think it was a good thing, as she wants to cut down on her belongings and having them stored and three different places, she couldn't go through and organize everything. So, it is a good thing to finally have them all home where she can sort and organize to be ready for when she gets the job! I have to talk like she is getting the job as I know she would be SO good at this job! 

I gave her all the treats and gifts, and we enjoyed a wonderful meal of sushi! I am so proud of her and pray she does well at the interview and will get the job! Keep her in your prayers! 

I'll let you know next week or so if she gets the job! I may be taking a road trip helping her move in the next few weeks! Lets hope so! 

Have a blessed day!

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