
Friday, October 23, 2020

Pruning at Night - I Seem to Be Forming a Habit

Princess Four and I celebrated her upcoming job interview as I shared in yesterdays post. However, after our dinner, I went out and started pruning the back yard. I wanted to finish the few smaller pruning jobs.

I keep forgetting to take pictures before I start pruning. I had clipped off a few long branches off the back roses and then remembered to take a picture of before and after. I am not sure why my back roses grow so much better than my front roses, but it may be that they get more or less water than the front roses.

I pruned the shrubs and lilac bushes, the cherry tree, and the back roses. 

We were out of garbage cans as we only had one partial left, so we ended up using garbage bags for the shrubs. We bundled the longer branches, and I had no place to put the rose clippings as they have large thorns and would have ripped a bag. We made a pile that we could just put into a can once the garbage was dumped. 

Princess Four was a gem and helped me rake up the clippings and bag some of them. She then got a call from her best friend and was telling her about her job updates. I worked on the finishes and hauled it all out to the curb.

I was so happy to get those trees and shrubs pruned as I really want the yard done for the winter. I always seem to have a list of things in the yard that I don't finish each fall. I have gotten more done this October than I usually do. I have tried to get one tree done a day. I did have a bad day this week when I didn't get much done, but for the most part, I have kept to that schedule. 

As we work each afternoon and evening, its been getting colder each night. It feels like fall for sure and I will miss the warm dry days we have been enjoying. As I worked, it felt so good to see the yard looking better each day. I wish I could get more done each day, but I am giving gratitude that I am able to get so much done when in past years, I haven't been able to. 

I appreciate Princess Four's help getting my yard looking good! I think it will be somewhat lonely when she leaves as I have gotten used to having someone around. It is going to be weird living along again. 

Have a blessed day!

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