
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Pruning Has Begun - The Clippers Worked Great


Yesterday, I blogged about putting new hand grips on the pruning clippers. Here is a link to that post.  

Today, I worked on pruning the fruit trees in the front yard. I was able to get the three fruit trees and one of the flowering plum trees in the front yard done. I still have three trees and roses to do in the front yard, and seven in the back.

I had a problem with my electric pruning sheers. I think they need to be sharpened. I bought a longer one at a second hand store last year and used that one, but it is heavier and clunkier, so it was harder to use. I am thinking of pulling out my grinder and sharpening the smaller one tomorrow. 

I went out with Princess Four and she helped for an hour putting branches into cans, but then had school online and a date. I was out in the dark finishing up and filled all the extra garbage cans. I think it went rather fast which was nice. I am hoping that the back trees go as quickly. 

It was a long day and I got a few things off my list which made me happy. I would like to continue getting more off my list, but I am happy to get anything off it at this point. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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