
Monday, October 12, 2020

Pruning is Well Underway - Half Done

I was out pruning trees every night this past week working into the dark of night. I can't work in the heat of day or I get overheated, so I have been working from about 5 p.m. on. 

I have been working hard and filled all the garbage cans for the week, but want to finish all the pruning before the cold sets in. I will have to keep working daily in order to finish as I have some bigger trees to do, but also still have smaller trees to finish as well.

It is a big job every fall, but I LOVE the way they look for the entire winter. Each time I drive down the street, I enjoy how they look all pruned and ready for the next year of growth. 

 I will keep you updated as I go! Its been a busy week as I have multiple projects going! I am glad I am feeling good enough to work in the yard. 

Have a blessed day! 

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