
Friday, October 9, 2020

How To Permanently Fix a Shelf That Keeps Falling & Won't Stay In Place By Putting in Corner Bracket

I wanted to share how I permanently fixed a shelf that kept falling down for 20 years in my kitchen. I made a video showing how I fixed it.

I don't have much kitchen space in my home. I don't have a pantry or many kitchen cupboards. I have one cupboard in the entire kitchen that allows you to change the height of the shelf. 

Since the day I moved in, the shelf pegs were broken on that shelf. The old owners told me that they kept breaking and I could buy new clips at the hardware store. I bought a handful of those peg clips and within a short time they broke. I have some large square Tupperware bins that hold the larger bags of sugar and flour. 

Since the pegs kept breaking, I used those tall Tupperware bins to hold the shelf up. I then tried buying different types of pegs. I even cut up a knitting needle that was metal and tried to make my own longer "pegs" so that maybe they would hold the shelf up. 

Because the shelf was cut small for the space, when you put something on it, the pegs have more pressure on them as the shelf isn't on much of the peg, but just the tip. They all broke and the holes that held them started chipping away.

I have shared that I am trying to fix things in the house right so that I don't have to keep "fixing" things over and over. You can see that on my blog if you look back over the past year, you can see that in the house and yard. In the yard, I landscaped with the rocks and bark, I fixed the shower, and have been working on the garage. I pondered on how I could fix the shelf for good either by cutting a new shelf that would fit better, or a different way. 

I am so grateful that I have great guardian angels that inspire me when needed. I have come up with some great "fixes" in my life when others would have given up on something. I am grateful that they constantly inspire me when needed. 

I was doing dishes in the kitchen and the thought came to me that I could fix the shelf in a similar way that I fix the drawers in the house that were broken when I bought it. I used "corner" brackets and screwed them on the inside of the drawers to hold the corners strong.

I have repaired drawer faces that have broken on drawers using the corner brackets, but for some reason, I didn't think about using corner brackets for holding up the shelf all that time, but just kept buying more and more pegs that broke. 

I am glad that I pondered on it and came up with this solution as it has been so nice being able to actually use the shelf as I couldn't use it before for fear of anything on the shelf falling and breaking.

It cost only a few dollars to fix the shelf. Even if I had cut a new shelf that actually fit so that the pegs didn't break, it would have cost more for the wood alone! Also making it match would have cost even more. This was a cheap and inexpensive way to fix the problem fast and easy! 

I found some corner brackets at the second hand store for cheap so had them on hand to use for this "fix." It was really easy to screw them into the walls of the cupboards. I just had to make sure that they were even so that the shelf fit level. 

I can't tell you how nice it is that I don't have to take everything off the top shelf and remove it so that I can get to the Tupperware bins below when I bake. It has been a long 20+ years having to deal with that. Now, I actually can put things with weight on them on the top shelf! 

 I am very blessed to have such a lovely kitchen and home, and now I have a few more functional cupboards. 

 Have a Blessed Day!

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