
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How to Make Over $1000 at a Yard or Garage Sale - Made Over $2200 This Year!


My last two garage / yard sales, I made over $1300 each! This year, I made over $2200! Here is a link to my last year sale post.


Princess Four, helped me put it up and take it down. We did it on a weekend when we knew there would be visitors in town due to a convention. We made over $2200 at the sale this year!! 
I made a video where I share how to make lots of money at yard sales, and give lots of ways to increase sales at your garage sale!

My mother used to do yard sales when I was age 8 to 12 while growing up. By helping her with her sales, she taught me some great tips on the best way to make money and get people to come, and how to lure people out of their cars. 

Keeping the large big ticket items at the sale until the end helps draw people in, and you can do that by taking written bids on larger items to get the most on those items. You then call the winning bid at the end of the sale and have the winning bid pick up the bigger items at the end of the sale, so the bigger items draw people in.

Take "offers" rather than listing a price, as they may be willing to pay more than you are asking.

Put up signs that will pull people into your sale using arrows on the signs and I print them out and save the files for future sales. 

Always have some unique or interesting items front and center and back center to catch people's eyes as they pull up! 

Don't crowd items, by spreading out the items, it looks like you have lots of stuff so people think it is worth getting out of the car. 

Also, clothes won't sell in piles. Always fold them so people can clearly see each item. Hanging only works if you can hang them all off a gutter or somehow spreading them out on trees, so they can see each item without having to touch them. Most people won't dig through a pile or flip through hanging clothes. 

Towards the end of the sale, draw people in by saying $5 for a bag of clothes, or having a table of $2 items. Post those items online to draw in those bargain hunters! 

I have some great tips I share on the video on quick ways to set up and take down the sale and how to set up the sale so that people see all of your items. 

Advertising on local online, classified, craigs list and facebook group sites and by using posts on "giving things for free" to get people to come to the sale from online. Also, post online by using edits and writing on each photo so that people will not skip photos thinking you want more than they will pay as well as describing the item and its merits. I had one lady come for an ostrich feather duster, and ended up spending $150 because she saw the duster online for cheap and wanted it.

I have gotten really good at, and have the best way to prepare for rain so that it is quickly covered and dry until the rain stops! 

I share all those things, and more, in the video. 

By making the main photo an eye catching item / or post a photo of one of the coolest things you have for sale as the first photo on your posts on social media, it draws people in to look at the rest of your photos online. 

Hopefully, the video and descriptions will help if you choose to have a sale. I will share tomorrow some other things that can help you in your sale, but these are the "setting up" ideas. 

I am SO grateful to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with the strength to do a sale, and for Princess Four being so supportive and staying with me for the crazy setting up early each morning, and taking down each night. She was a blessing for sure! 

Have a Blessed Day and thanks for visiting!

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