
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A New Tradition For Halloween This Year - Reverse Trick-Or-Treating

Every year for Halloween, I put out a bit of candy, and then allow the kids to pick out some jewelry out of the treasure chest next to my Pirate. 

Here is a link to 2015 my first year post. 

Here is the post for 2016. 

Here is a link to 2017 post. 

Here is a link to 2018 post. 

Here is the post for 2019.

With covid causing such craziness in the world, and with my health issues, I knew I can't do the normal jewelry picking thing I have done in the past five years. I know that people will still allow their kids out, but I don't want them in my home. I figured even handing out candy can possibly be an issue as there are sometimes many groups of kids coming to the door at one time. 

I was pondering on what I could do this year and had a wonderful idea come into my mind. I bought a tote full of candy necklaces at Easter time for our Easter family camp out this year as we haven't gone the past three years. This year was supposed to be the big camp out with everyone coming. Then covid-19 hit. 

The camp out was canceled and I had a tote full of candy jewelry! I left it in the tote thinking we could use it for our lake camping family reunion we have every year in August. However, Covid was still causing problems and we ended up only going for one day and no nights and most of the family didn't go so I didn't take them for that. 

I had the thought after pondering that I may not be able to give out the real jewelry that I give out, but I can give out the "candy" jewelry! So I still give out my jewelry, just candy. I then thought that I wouldn't have enough for kids to come to the door and don't really want to come in contact with that many people as I am trying to stay healthy. 

I talked to one of my neighbors asking what her family is going to do, and their entire family is going to a cabin and each family is going to take a treat and activity. I thought that was fun. Since Halloween is on a weekend, I wonder if many people are going to be out of town. I asked that neighbor if it would be weird for me to deliver a treat to their home before Halloween so that I can still give a treat to my neighborhood kids, but not have to subject myself to those who come to my neighborhood just to Trick-Or-Treat. 

It isn't that I don't want to share with others, it is just the Covid thing going on. I decided to put a little note on the treats a few days in advance and then let them sit for a few days to make sure I don't come down with any symptoms, and then I can deliver them out of the tote wearing gloves and deliver them to my neighbors kids! 

I don't know what other communities are doing, but I think this is a good way to still give out treats without putting anyone at risk. I am going to turn off my lights on Halloween to discourage people coming, but since I will be dropping off treats early, my neighbors will have already gotten a treat and won't come to my house. 

I will be so happy when this health crisis is over! I am glad that I found a way to still celebrate the holiday and bring joy to my neighbors. I added some new gloves for the older girls and a few other boy items so everyone can get a treat. 

I hope you have a safe Halloween! Have a Blessed day!

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