
Monday, September 21, 2020

So Busy I Forgot I didn't Blog on Friday

This week has been crazy. I have had so many things going on from dehydrating the fruit coming off my trees, to helping out a few neighbors, installing a new toilet, fixing a leak on the new toilet, to staying up all night listing things on eBay, 

It has been an exhausting week and the weekend has been really busy doing a yard sale. I would love to post more but I just want to say that Princess Four and I were up on Thursday all night and worked right through people coming on Friday morning and all day with a steady pace of people. We had people looking at jewelry after dark with their phone flashlights! 

I probably shouldn't do the sale until dark but there were a non-stop flow of people for which I am grateful! I did well both Friday and Saturday and am doing two more days as we have a type of convention in town and we put up signs around the convention saying we were doing the sale on Monday and Tuesday. as even if I only make a few hundred dollars, I am sorting and going through things and we are researching things on e-bay etc. 

It is so much work to get all my old e-bay stuff out that I figure leaving it up for a few more days can't hurt anything as long as the weather permits. 

Another good thing is that we are learning that I have lots of emergency prep items I am selling as I don't have people home so I don't need as much. In looking them up, I have some really expensive things to sell, the problem is posting them and shipping them. It seems like the kerosene heaters and stone wheat grinders are selling for tons but they are SO heavy! 

So it was dark and we were putting everything in the house on Friday night when I realized I hadn't posted a blog post for Friday! I don't think that has ever happened in the over ten years I have been blogging! I was that tired and so I ask that you forgive me and understand that life is a bit crazy currently! 

I hope I can make it through the next few days and make enough to pay some bills and continue cleaning out the house. Just tonight I pulled out all my original hand painted art collection and am selling at least 1/3 of it. I also pulled out some computer stuff and some large new frames and mirrors that the girls were storing and I am tired of storing and they have been here so long they can't remember who was storing them! ha ha

I still have tools to sort, camping / beach  stuff, and about 10 boxes of e-bay smaller expensive stuff that I haven't dared to stick out!  The wind gusts can do some damage. I broke one of these bamboo large lanterns when the wind broke the hanger it was hanging on, and one of my large tapa cloth framed pictures blew over and the glass cracked. 

There were a few items like Leather Boxing gloves that are going for a high price, old roller skates, and a miners hat that all are going for really high prices. It will be interesting to see how many people we get from the convention / trade show. I haven't done a yard sale on a week day that I can remember, but I am excited to get more cleaned out of the house and garage as well as making more money, so even if I sell one thing, I am working while I am dedicated to being in the garage / yard area. I may actually start posting online if it isn't busy, so I can make some fast cash on the higher end items! 

Wish us luck! Have a blessed day!

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